Applying machine learning to analyze medical images
In the summer of 2019, I completed my PhD in Computing Science at Simon Fraser University working under the supervision of Dr. Ghassan Hamarneh in the Medical Image Analysis Lab. My main research application is on analyzing skin lesions. Methodology-wise, I mostly focus on approaches using deep neural networks. I’ve also had the pleasure of being a part of the Image Guided Robotic Surgery team, where we developed an approach to detect tumor in ultrasound videos.
In 2013, I completed my CS Master’s studies under the supervision of Dr. Ghassan Hamarneh, Dr. Roger Tam, and Dr. Chris McIntosh, who kindly guided me in research on analyzing the spinal cord of multiple sclerosis patients.
Previously I was a student at Vancouver Island University, where I completed my Bachelor’s of Computing Science. During my undergrad I had the opportunity to do a co-op with the fine folks at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), and worked on systems to help organize otolith (fish ear-bone) thermal mark information.
I have done occasional contract/tutoring/consulting work for private individuals and organizations in government and industry.
Please feel free to contact me on LinkedIn:
I have an updated outdated working copy of my résumé in a fun web format here.