Deep Neural Networks to Segment Neuronal Membranes in Electron Microscopy Images and Detect Mitosis in Breast Cancer Histology Images

Here are some slides I made to present the following two papers to our reading group:

Cireșan, D. C., Giusti, A., Gambardella, L. M., & Schmidhuber, J. (2012). Deep neural networks segment neuronal membranes in electron microscopy images. In F. Pereira, C. J. C. Burges, L. Bottou, & K. Q. Weinberger (Eds.), NIPS (pp. 2843–2851). Curran Associates, Inc.

Cireșan, D. C., Giusti, A., Gambardella, L. M., & Schmidhuber, J. (2013). Mitosis detection in breast cancer histology images with deep neural networks. In K. Mori, I. Sakuma, Y. Sato, C. Barillot, & N. Navab (Eds.), MICCAI (Vol. 8150 LNCS, pp. 411–418). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

These two papers, written by the same authors, used a very similar approach to win two medical image analysis competitions in well known conferences. They give a very nice overview of the approach they took to win these challenges.

Looking back, I could have presented these works better, but I’ve made them available in case others find these slides useful. You might also want to take a look at these slides that discuss another CNN approach that won the 2012 ImageNet competition (since I refer to this work within these slides).